Leap Day, also known as February 29, is an extraordinary occurrence that happens once every four years. It’s a day that gets added to the calendar during a leap year.
Meanwhile, the term "Quantum Leap" refers to a dramatic advance, like in knowledge, process, or method. It means a significant and sudden improvement in something.
Reflecting today on my choices, whether personally or professionally, or small or big decisions in the past years. Some questions hit my mind, blending the Quantum Leap Year (Quantum Leap + Leap Year) ...
Was there any quantum leap that ever happened in my life?
Am I leaping toward my goal?
Am I living my life's purpose?
Do I want to leap or leave?
Whatever it is that is happening today or about to happen in the future, I hope we will continue in life with faith in our hearts and face any fear because we know that we have a faithful, loving, and trustworthy God.
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” Matthew 19:26 NIV
When we trust God, the impossible becomes possible.
God can. Trust.
Praying for everyone's success and answered prayers for 2024 and beyond.
Remember, God loves you! Thanks! Bye!